Translation of "Cayetano Sanchez Fuertes’ “Fray Juan Duarez OFM, Founder of the Town of Daraga (Philippines)
Ros A. Costelo, Ph.D.

Costelo, Ros A (trans). 2022. “Cayetano Sanchez Fuertes’ “Fray Juan Duarez OFM, Founder of the Town of Daraga (Philippines).” Saysay: The Journal of Bikol History Issue 2.

The present article attempts to trace the missionary itinerary of Fr. Juan Duárez de Santa Cruz, one of the most distinguished Franciscan friars in Camarines. Making extensive use of unpublished archival material, it focuses on two important aspects of his work: the foundation of the town of Daraga and his role in the construction of the church, and his will to found a Franciscan institution in Spain specifically aimed to train friars to be sent to the Philippines. Finally, it provides an English translation of a wide array of key documents in order to understand the history of Cagsawa, Budiao, and Daraga from 1715 to 1814.

Keywords: Fr. Juan Duárez de Santa Cruz, Franciscan missions in the Philippines, History of Camarines, Mayon Volcano, History of Daraga, History of Cagsawa.