The UP Department of History belongs to the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. It was founded on 3 June 1910 and is considered to be one of the oldest history departments in the country. Since 1915, the department has offered graduate courses for students taking further studies under the Master of Arts program. The Doctorate of Philosophy in History program, on the other hand, was launched in 1976. For almost a century and a decade now, the Department has shown that it is highly dedicated to producing students who can thrive in the increasingly competitive field of History. Aside from having several faculty members who are recognized as lead experts in various leading specializations here and abroad, the Department is doing its best to further improving its profile in terms of teaching and extension work, increasing the number and relevance of its research outputs and aligning the discourses of history to national development goals.
The vision and mission of the Department of History under the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy of the University of the Philippines Diliman both aim to provide a high-quality education and research that are at par with international and regional standards, which will therefore contribute to the advancement of scholarship in the fields of history, social sciences, and Philippine Studies. The Department’s vision states “a department that is prestigious and a leader in the discipline of history within and outside the academe in terms of teaching, research, and extension services.” The Department’s mission states “to continue its mandate as the country’s Center of Excellence in History; to lead in the development of new areas, fields, and disciplines in historical teaching, research, and writing.”
UP Department of History Vision-Mission 2020-2023